Frequently Asked Questions

The best thing you can do is read and search before asking questions about Bird Alarm. Find the answer in each category by clicking the links below to go directly to the answer to that question.

If you repeatedly get the following message: “Error of communication. It was not possible to connect to the server. Control that you are connected to the Internet”, just log out of Bird Alarm and log in again.
In the application footer there's an envelope icon. Click on it to see messages from the developer of the app or from your club admin. You can also access these messages from the main menu. This function is used when important information needs to reach all users.
You clear the Draft List by clicking on "Clear local data" This can be done in the settings of the app (main menu).
If you want to make sure that you're connected to internet, click on the globe icon on the right in the bottom menu. It will display your connection status.
If your operator allows GSM/3G/4G internationally Bird Alarm works. Please note that data traffic can be VERY expensive. Contact your operator for prices on international traffic. We recommend to use WiFi when available to download new observations for free. Our application is developed to use as little data traffic as possible.
Nothing will change, but if you've changed phone number it is advisable that you update it on the website.
If you are using a WiFi connection while the GPS positioning is enabled, your location will automatically be where the WiFi is located. This means that your reported location may differ from where you actually are.
It can be that you've turned off that function under Settings. That said, Google, Windows and Apple do not guarantee that all notifications will arrive. If the problem is consistent, please contact us at
In the list, choose the name "Not listed bird"and put the species name in the section "Additional comments".
A green circle means that the bird is stationary and confirmed under observation. A yellow circle means that some details are unconfirmed under observation (ex. secondary data or observer unsure) or that the bird was stationary but has flown away. A red circle means that the bird has been sought but not found or that it has been incorrectly identified. Arrows indicate the direction in which the bird is passing. See the manual for a detailed description of the symbols
Press on the icon "My Sightings and Drafts" in the main menu. Under the tab "Sightings", click on the wrong sightings, edit the mistake and click "Submit". The edited sighting will appear again in the sighting list.
Yes you can. Log out of Bird ALarm on your phone, then login on the webpage with your user. At the top right hand corner it says Account followed by your email address. Either click on that or hover your mouse and choose Settings. Then click on "Change email".
Start off by reading the manual for Password Management located under the Help-button. If the problem persist first look in your Junk Email folder to see weither the mail got stuck there, if not contact us as
Under your account at the top right hand corner there's a link "My sites". In that view you can press "Create new", depending on which browser you're using, there are security settings that does not allow the map to determine your location. On Internet Explorer, a menu at the bottom of the screen will appear asking if you accept that Internet Explorer may track your current location. On Chrome, an icon on the right-hand side of the address bar will appear asking you to load "unsafe scripts". Accept this and another menu will appear at the top of your screen asking if you accept that Chrome may track your current location. When this is done just move the marker on the map to where you want the new site to be and change the radius. Before you press Save, add a name to that site.
Android Bird Alarm is developed for version 2.1 and above. But Android 2.2+ is needed for notifications (Android Cloud to Device Messaging, D2DM) from Google. iPhone Bird Alarm is developed for Apple iOS7 version: iPhone 4 or older. Windows Phone Bird Alarm is developed for Windows Phone 7 and 8.
By sending an email to with a detailed description of where the site is located and what radius it should have. You can also choose to do your own birding sight if you follow the manual
You can choose to change the language of both the bird species and the application. For bird species you can choose between: English Svenska Norsk Dansk Deutsch Suomi Polski Español Magyar Latin The application can be shown in these languages: English Svenska Norska Danska Deutsch Suomi Polski Español Magyar
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